See the full FAQ here. If you have any questions please contact us
It usually takes our service providers 2-7 days to fulfill an order, after which it’s shipped out.
The shipping time depends on your location, but the approximate shipping times are 2-30 business days.
The estimated delivery time is just an estimate, it’s not a guarantee. There may be delays for reasons such as products being out of stock, customs inspections, weather conditions, service disruptions, or the occurrence of unforeseen
circumstances. As far as the delivery of product(s) is made by our service
providers, we cannot guarantee the exact delivery date.
Sales Tax / VATS & Customs Fees
EU Fulfilled Orders
VAT charges apply to all buyers based in the EU. If applicable, you’ll see the information on the top-right-hand side of the checkout page.
US Fulfilled Orders
We do not charge TAX to buyers located in the US.
***Please keep in mind, order internationally, (for example all orders produced in the US and delivered to another country) may be required to pay additional fees for delivery such as customs fees and taxes.